SSplash - Salt Spring Pool Association

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Phase 2: Multi-Purpose/Leisure Pool

   Everyone who originally joined Ssplash has been treated as a member over the intervening years without any request of a renewal.

With this restatement of our goal to build a tot/leisure pool, we are asking original members to renew their support by once again paying the small membership fee. More importantly, we are seeking to build a strong new volunteer group to work for our long term goal and want to recruit new directors for the Board. We encourage all pool supporters to support this effort by joining Ssplash.

Name(s): ______________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________


Postal Code:__________________Telephone:_________________________


Membership Fees:     ____ $10.00 individual     ____ $15.00 family

I'm including a donation of $ _________            Total $__________________

 I/We would like to volunteer.________             Please mail a receipt. _______

Print This Form

If you are joining Ssplash,
please make cheques payable to
Salt Spring Pool Association

Mailing Address:
Ssplash, P.O. Box 597,
Salt Spring Island, B.C. V8K 2W2

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